Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of Mar 2015
Region Import(kg) % %Change to Feb Export(kg) % %Change to Feb
AUSTRALIA 881796.60 78.05% 42.85% 1063535.70 85.16% 25.82%
FRENCH POLYNESIA 5342.50 0.47% 0.00% 134.00 0.01% -82.73%
NEW CALEDONIA 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 158.00 0.01% 1875.00%
NEW ZEALAND 237913.40 21.06% -25.36% 181284.80 14.52% 28.47%
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4361.00 0.39% 0.00% 3678.00 0.29% 743.58%
SOLOMON ISLANDS 0.00 0.00% -100.00% 116.00 0.01% 0.00%
VANUATU 332.00 0.03% 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00%
TTL 1129745.50 100% 20.36% 1248906.50 100% 26.46%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.