Cargo volume data to country and airport level

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For the month of Oct 2019
Region Import(kg) % %Change to Sep Export(kg) % %Change to Sep
AFGHANISTAN 135048.00 19.37% 11592.47% 60088.00 1.28% 1066.08%
BANGLADESH 111375.60 15.97% -4.02% 1146606.00 24.49% 15.07%
INDIA 373563.94 53.57% -23.43% 3143865.00 67.14% -12.72%
NEPAL 1656.00 0.24% 996.69% 7082.00 0.15% -22.47%
PAKISTAN 60484.30 8.67% -12.84% 209777.70 4.48% -21.08%
SRI LANKA 15236.00 2.18% -19.54% 114902.00 2.45% 53.50%
TTL 697363.84 100% 0.55% 4682320.70 100% -5.47%

Note: Due to different data sources, the above weight could be a discrepancy within±3% against the actual figure.